Drum Feeds, 684 Old Dalkeith Road, By Danderhall, EH22 1RR
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
9am - 4pm
9am - 2pm
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Poultry grit should NOT be fed with feed, it should be left out separately for chickens to take in their own time. If free range, they will use less than birds kept in runs. This bag of grit should last 6 birds over a year. They will take small pieces to mash their food in their bodies and the oyster shell in the grit will be absorbed to aid shell production on the egg.
Orders within approximately 20 miles of our shop in Edinburgh are Delivered by us in one of our own Delivery Vehicles.
Local Delivery is now available 5 days a week, just select the appropriate delivery option at checkout.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
9am - 4pm
9am - 2pm