Drum Feeds, 684 Old Dalkeith Road, By Danderhall, EH22 1RR
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
9am - 4pm
9am - 2pm
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Saracen Super Fibre Mix is a long chop, dust free, alfalfa based recipe designed as a bran, sugar beet & chaff replacer for horses & ponies on box rest. This highly palatable, oat free mix includes a wide range of herbs, these provide a whole host of benefits for appetite control, respiratory health, digestive & healing processes. An added benefit is that it is low in starch & sugar, this is great for horses which commonly encounter fizz can help even out their temperament.
Lucerne Chaff, Molassed Chaff, Oatfeed, Barley Flakes, Lucerne Pellets, Soya Flakes, Maize Flakes, Pea Flakes, Vitamins, Minerals, Soya Oil & Herbs
Analytical Constituents
Oil 5%, Protein 12%, Fibre 17.5%, Digestible Energy 10.6 MJ/kg, Starch 14.5%, Vitamin A 10,000 IU/kg, Vitamin D3 1,000 IU/kg, Vitamin E 120 IU/kg, Selenium 0.51 Mg/kg & Sugar 2.9%
Orders within approximately 20 miles of our shop in Edinburgh are Delivered by us in one of our own Delivery Vehicles.
Local Delivery is now available 5 days a week, just select the appropriate delivery option at checkout.
Cath & Alan
Drum Feeds has been here since 1990, originally opened by the More Nisbett family, the owners of the Drum Estate where we are still based and where our name comes from. Faced with difficulties during COVID-19 June 2020, the shop was Acquired by Cath, who has worked in the store for over 30 years, and her son Alan.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
9am - 4pm
9am - 2pm